Alhambra- Central Plant/Mechanical Upgrades
Within this budget there were multiple projects completed for necessary improvements to the mechanical infrastructure at Alhambra High. Replaced Environmental Management Systems including, among other things: replacement classroom and building controls, wiring, central heating equipment, new domestic hot water heaters, circulation pumps, motors, control valves, cooling system, etc. This resulted in an entirely new system to replace controls and equipment that had either exceeded or was due to exceed its life expectancy.
Approved by Board of Education: January 2012
Completed: March 2014
Contractor: Capital Engineering
Project Manager: Jon Novero, RGM & Associates
Project Cost: $1,743,807
Associated Bond Language:
"Provide energy efficiency improvements, including energy management systems, renewable/alternative energy systems, solar energy panels, lighting controls, cool roofs, boilers, mechanical room equipment, upgraded heating, and air conditioning systems."