Alhambra - Lower Parking Lot Expansion
September 24, 2018
Notice of Completion has been accepted by the Board of Education.
August 20, 2018
Project has been completed well before the first day of school.
June 25, 2018
Work has begun and the project is expected to be completed prior to the start of the 2018-19 school year.
May 2018
Advertised bids were due and Contractor for the project was selected.
In order to improve the school grounds and accommodate student drivers the Board approved the project to expand the lower parking lot by 30 spaces. The project will renovate an underutilized grass area at the front of the campus. In addition the outdated wiring for the marquee will be relocated and updated.
Approved by Board of Education: February 2017
Northern Pacific Corporation
American Asphalt Repair & Resurfacing Company, Inc.
Project Manager: Jon Novero, RGM & Associates
Project Budget: $380,000
Project Cost: $376,921
Associated Bond Language:
"Improve and rehabilitate school grounds, including replacing play structures, athletic facilities, replacing and renovating exteriors, replacing and renovating marquees, and improving walkways."
"Improve campus infrastructure, including asbestos abatement, fire alarm systems, weatherizing windows, replacing outdated wiring, replacing leaky roofs."