Districtwide - Technology Integration
Utilizing Bond funds, Martinez Unified School District has implemented an exciting technology integration initiative which helps us better instill our students with 21st century skills and provide greater differentiation in instruction. Students in grades TK (Transitional Kindergarten) through 12 now have access to individual mobile computing devices such as iPads, Chromebooks, and Netbooks. Combined with the proper framework of software and curricular content these mobile devices provide an effective, collaborative classroom tool.
The majority of infrastructure costs for the technology integration initiative were funded out of Measure K in 2011-2016. These upgrades included replacement of network switching and cabling at many sites, and the installation of the ubiquitous wireless access necessary for mobile device use. Additionally, the phone systems, clocks, bells, and paging systems were upgraded throughout the district.
Many classrooms were outfitted with state-of-the-art instructional technologies including equalized audio systems in the classroom which allow students anywhere in the classroom to hear presentation material at the same level, and large-format flat-panel displays functioning as electronic whiteboards. STEAM programs (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) were expanded using Bond funds to purchase equipment for programs such as robotics and digital photography.
Bond funds were used to provide a Chromebook for use by every student in grades 3 through 12, as well as classroom sets of iPads in grades TK-2. These funds were also used to periodically refresh outdated equipment so that this technology can continue to function seamlessly.
Technology Expenditures to-date: $6,308,791
Associated Bond Language:
"Furnish and equip schools, classrooms and other facilities, including on-going technology replacement."
"Improve technology, including telecommunication systems, clock and bell systems."
If you would like more information on how MUSD utilizes state-of-the-art technology inside and outside the classroom please visit: http://www.martinezusd.net/technology